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CC Graphite Mechanical Carbon Seal, Your Best Choice.

What is Mechanical Carbon?

Mechanical carbon, also known as carbon mechanical seal or carbon graphite material, refers to a type of carbon material that is commonly used in mechanical sealing applications. It is composed primarily of carbon and graphite, sometimes with the addition of other materials like  impregnants.

Mechanical carbon is commonly used in manufacturing mechanical seals for pumps, compressors, and other rotating equipments. These seals help prevent the leakage of fluids or gases and maintain the integrity of the system. Carbon seals are preferred in applications where traditional sealing materials, such as rubber or metals, may not provide the required performance or reliability.

It’s worth noticing that mechanical carbon is just one application of carbon materials, and carbon is used in various other forms and applications, such as carbon carbon composites, carbon fibers, carbon(graphite) electrodes and so on.

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Mechanical Carbon Machining Products

Carbon Graphite Material Parts 370 370
Carbon Graphite Material Parts
carbon graphite seal parts 370 370
Carbon Graphite Seal Parts
10 Products Found.

Specifications of Mechanical Carbon

Mechanical Carbon

Density g/cm3 Compressive Strength MPa Flexural Strength MPa   Shore Hardness CTE ×10-6 -1 Porosity % MAX Temp 
M106K 1.62 182-200 55-65 75-95 4.5 2 200
M120D 2.3 230 80 80 7.0 1 550
M254P 2.6 120 45 40 6.0 2 400
M126G 2.8 190 65 70   2 900
M120B 2.3 130 50 50 5.5 8 200
K: Resin   D: Antimony  P: Copper  G: Silver  B: Babbitt Metal


The figures above are typical values, and are not guaranteed. For more information,  please do not hesitate to contact us.

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